How do I login my VPS in Terminal? How do I connect my VPS to terminal? How to add VPS server to command line interface? How do I run my VPS server in terminal?
See my dear visitor, I’m sure, you must be having above queries in your mind isn’t it? Whenever we buy VPS server, they don’t directly provide us the terminal login access. They just provide us a public IP and a random generated password of VPS. So now how we would do it? Don’t worry, here today we will share the whole process by which you will be easily able to connect the VPS server to your terminal or any command line interface using that IP and random generated password.
How do I Connect My VPS server to Terminal or any Command Line Interface?
It’s pretty simple to connect, it’s process is not that much lengthy. Just all you have to do is to follow our steps and start doing it one by one.
1. Generate SSH Key
First, you need to generate SSH Key of your VPS server, then only using SSH Key you will be able to login in terminal. For generating SSH key, run this given below command in your terminal or CLI.
2. Enter File Name
After running above command, terminal will ask you to provide a file name for this directory
from where your all the data would be saved. So give file name, for example: myfile, myfile1, myfile2 etc
3. Enter Passphrase
After giving file name, terminal will ask you to provide a passphrase for better security authorisation of your VPS server, so give the same file name again in passphrase and press enter. Then it will ask you to again provide the same passphrase, so give the same passphrase and press enter to continue.
4. Login in Terminal Using SSH key and IP address
After providing the passphrase, a key fingerprint and an image will be created something like this
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:TbTKGR4v7EqIxDMM4OKWcfyrb54ccGnST0rO+V5vSeo user_device_details
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 3072]----+
|. . |
|o . . . |
|oo o o o |
|o++ o .+ O |
| +*o B .S o |
|.. +O.*. . . |
| . .B....o . |
| oo+....o |
| .+=oo.E.. |
PS C:\Users\your_name\Desktop>
So, after that, just open a new tab in terminal and type
ssh root@ip
Note: in place of ip, paste the actual ip address from your VPS server credentials.
5. Provide password
Then after, terminal will ask you to provide the random generated password which is provided by your VPS server provider. So visit your VPS server site and login to your services, and then view the password and copy the password from there and paste it here in terminal.
There we go! Done, you have finally login in your terminal or command line interface. Now your VPS server is connected with your terminal. Now you can easily run or deploy any python applications or bots in the terminal. Note that, you can’t delete that SSH key file from your computer, if you delete the ssh key file, then again, your VPS server and terminal will be disconnected. So delete only when you don’t want to use VPS server. Now that’s all for today. Comment below if you have any doubts regarding this article. Thanks for reading till here!
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